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Home | Cory Everson | Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson

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Those who read the article were probably left confused by the fact that Cory is said to be doing her training a little bit different than other people. Aerobics first, then the weightlifting. I'm sure people are wondering :"Isn't it the weightlifting part supposed to be done first and the aerobic part second!?" Well, yes, actually it is. But the change in Cory's training has a very simple explanation. Like a true Miss Olympia, Cory loves to lift weights. And she's bored by the aerobic part. So she and her training partner, younger sister Cameo, found a simple solution to this, so Cory would not be tempted by the idea of skiping the aerobics: aerobics first. Very simple, people!

Thanks to a dear friend for the information!

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